By Paul Kimumwe |||

Over the years, several African governments have en acted laws and policies that limit cross-border data  flows, citing the need to protect national security, pro mote the local digital economy, and safeguard users’  privacy. The limitations range from complete bans  on cross-border transfers of all data to conditional  cross-border transfer of certain data, with authoriza tion sought from relevant government bodies.  

The legal provisions prohibiting cross-border data  transfers are scattered in different legal frameworks in  countries such as Ethiopia, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Ugan da, whose limitations are contained in their financial  services and cybersecurity laws. In Rwanda, for example, Article 3 of Regulation No. 02/2018 of 24/01/2018  on cyber security provides that any bank licensed by  the Central Bank must maintain its primary data wit hin the territory of Rwanda. In Uganda, Article 68 of  Uganda’s National Payment Systems Act 2020 requires  all electronic money issuers to establish and maintain  their primary data centre in relation to payment system  services in Uganda. 

For other countries such as Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia, and Uganda, the limitations are contained  within their data protection laws. For example, sections  48 and 49 of Kenya’s Data Protection Act 2019 prohibit  cross-border transfer of personal data to a country  lacking appropriate data security safeguards. South  Africa’s 2013 Protection of Personal Information Act prohibits cross-border data transfers without the data  subject’s consent or unless the foreign country is belie ved to have adequate safeguards. In Nigeria, sections  41-43 of the 2023 Data Protection Act sets conditions  under which cross-border data transfers may occur  such as the requirement for the destination country to  have data protection safeguards and consent from the  data subject, among other conditions. 

Critics of these data localization provisions and practices have often argued that the current data localisation policies and practices are not pro-people as they  do not mitigate any genuine cybersecurity or online  targeting but instead serve to undermine personal data  privacy by facilitating government agencies’ unrestricted access to citizens’ personal data, including for purposes of conducting state surveillance.

These practices do not also conform to the key provi sions of the 2019 African Commission on Human and  Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) Declaration of Principles on  Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in  Africa, which prohibits countries from adopting laws  and other measures that criminalize and encryption  practices, including backdoors, key escrows, and data  localisation requirements unless such measures are  justifiable and compatible with international human  rights law.

The legal data localization requirements have been  identified as the most restrictive and disruptive barriers to international trade, pushing foreign registered businesses to incur extra and unnecessary costs  of establishing multiple infrastructures such as local  data centres and in each of their countries of operation as opposed to having one center in their country  of choice. In addition, the “limited policy and regulatory  reforms to facilitate the interconnection of networks  across borders, including national and commercial  backbones, or supervisory frameworks for data protection, data storage/processing/handling” were identified as additional weaknesses in achieving Africa’s  economic potential. 

The success of several initiatives, such as the African  Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) whose mandate  is to create “a single continental market with a population of about 1.3 billion people and a combined GDP  of approximately US$ 3.4 trillion,” hinges on eliminating  trade barriers and the harmonization of cross-border  transfers through the amendment of restrictive data  localisation policies and practices.  

In addition, under the African Union’s Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030), countries are  called upon to “promote open data policies that can en sure the mandate and sustainability of data exchange  platforms or initiatives to enable new local business  models, while ensuring data protection and cyber resilience to protect citizens from misuse of data and businesses from cybercrime.” 

On the other hand, the AU Data Policy Framework requires countries to create an enabling legal environment that would achieve and maximize the benefits of a data-driven economy by encouraging private and  public investments necessary to support data-driven  value creation and innovation. The framework offers guidance on policy interventions to optimise  cross-border data flows and harmonise data governance frameworks. In terms of cross-border data governance and transfers, Principle 14(6)(a) of the African  Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data  Protection prohibits data controllers from transferring  “personal data to a non-Member State of the AU unless  such a State ensures an adequate level of protection  of the privacy, freedoms, and fundamental rights of  persons whose data are being or are likely to be processed.” 

A critical challenge for the continent is how to trans late and localise these initiatives into workable solutions. Most autocratic governments are reluctant to  amend their laws to be more open to cross-border data  transfers. The reluctance is based on unfounded fears that sending their citizens’ data abroad could increase  citizens’ vulnerability to serious security and privacy  threats from foreign actors. On the other hand, civil  society actors lack the requisite skills and knowledge  to proactively engage in strategic advocacy both at national and regional levels. In addition, there is a paucity  of evidence-based research on the key issues around  data localization, particularly how various countries are  implementing their data localisation policies as guided  by the AU Data Policy Framework and Digital Transformation Strategy. 

Lessons from previous policy advocacy engagements  show that national governments are open to progressive policy reforms, as evidenced by the rapid adoption  of data protection laws, particularly if they trust that  such measures will not injure their national interests.


Even with this promise and the abundance of international and regional frameworks to guide the adoption and  implementation of progressive national data governance frameworks, interventions would require the adoption  and implementation of multiple and mutually reinforcing strategies such as (a) building research and advocacy  capacity of digital rights and data rights actors; (b) undertaking research and policy analysis; and (c) engaging in  national and regional policy processes on data governance regulation, particularly that related to cross-border  data flows and harmonisation of data governance frameworks. 

Building on the success of her previous work on data governance and engagement with the AU Union Data Policy  Framework, under the current project, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa  (CIPESA) is continuing with regional engagements as well as working in five countries – Cameroon, Ghana, South  Africa, and Uganda, to build the capacity of country-based research partners as well as generate evidence that  addresses fears that informs states’ restrictive regulatory stances, shows benefits of free data flows and policy  harmonisation.

1. Capacity Building in Research and Advocacy 

Central to CIPESA’s interventions is the need to generate a critical mass of engaged actors that understand the  cross-play of national and regional policy frameworks on data regulation and their implication for data policy  harmonization and national policy and practice. Further, these actors will need the skills to research and produce  evidence to inform engagements with actors such as policymakers and to conduct effective, collaborative advocacy to inform policy-making. 

2. Research and Policy Analysis 

CIPESA also supports country-based research partners to produce and communicate research-based commen taries, briefs, policy analyses, and think pieces on data localisation regulation and cross-border data policies  and advocate for flexible cross-border data flows and respect for data privacy. These outputs will inform enga gements with policymakers at national and regional levels and with multilateral treaty bodies that mandate data  protection and monitor privacy and data rights. 

3. National and Regional Advocacy and Engagement 

The third strand involves strategic deployment of the published commentaries, analyses, and think pieces to at tract the attention of state and non-state actors and form the basis of deliberations on how to improve the policy  and practice around data governance in the region, notably on cross-border data flows, data harmonisation, and  the need to embrace the AU Data Policy Framework. The advocacy will target national actors, such as data regu lators, telecom regulators, and policymakers, as well as regional entities, such as the African Union, the African  Commission on Human and People’s Rights, and regional regulators’ and telecom operators’ associations such  as Compassionate Rural Association for Social Action (CRASA) and East African Communication Organisations  (EACO). 

By building on pivotal and live continental initiatives such as the AU Data Policy Framework, the Digital Trans formation Strategy for Africa, and the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA), and working at regional and  four-country levels through a multi-sector network of actors, CIPESA hopes to generate evidence demystifies  the unfounded fears that inform states’ restrictive cross-border data regulatory policies and practices while  demonstrating the benefits of free data flows and proposing harmonisation measures.

Paul Kimumwe , Senior Program Officer/ CIPESA 


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